Aplikasi Chatting dan Game Java, Symbian Gratis di Handphone

Gratis Download Game symbian, Game Java, Gameloft, Minifriday, Ebuddy, Yamee, Slick, Nimbuzz, Morange

2009 | Download Aplikasi chat dan Game

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Aplikasi Penyadap/Pengintai SMS

sms forwarder

Kamu curiga kalo do'i, temen, pacar, soulmate, kekasih, istri or suami kamu selingkuh? pasangan kamu udah ga perhatian lagi? sering sms secara diam-diam barangkali? atau alergi kalo hp nya kamu obok-obok? kalo udah gitu, perlu dicurigai tuh..., kali aja dia sedang selingkuh, coba cek aja inbox handphonenya, mungkin ada sms-sms mesra.hehehe..., tapi kalo dia udah termasuk golongan buaya darat kelas kakap, maka sms mesra di inbox pasti lah sudah di hapus sebelumnya. Memang asyik sih kalo kirim-kiriman sms mesra sama pasangan selingkuh.., hehehe.., SMS kan singkatan dari Sarana Menjalin Selingkuh, wakakakak...

Nah.., untuk mengantisipasinya, kamu bisa menyadap hp pasangan kamu dengan aplikasi smsforwarder yang satu ini, mungkin kamu mau tau sama siapa sih dia sms-an? apa sih isi sms-nya? dengan aplikasi smsforwarder berukuran kecil dan jahil ini maka kamu bisa tau semuanya, ketahuan deh ntar, dia bener-bener selingkuh apa ngga. Cara kerja aplikasi smsforwarder ini sederhana sekali, setiap hp yg sudah kita install aplikasi smsforwarder ini, setiap kali orang yang kamu curigai berselingkuh mengirim sms (kepada siapa saja), maka kita akan mendapatkan satu sms yang sama diponsel kita (forward). Mantab kan...

Biar cepat ngerti, sebaiknya kita langsung praktekin aja ya.., silahkan download dulu aplikasinya dibawah ini.

Setelah berhasil di download, jangan lupa di ekstrak dulu file rar-nya , kemudian instal file hasil ekstrakan tadi (.sis) di HP orang yang akan di jadikan kelinci percobaan, jadi usahakan pinjem dulu hp nya, caranya ya terserah.., bisa-bisa kamu aja. Kemudian jalankan aplikasinya, setting nomor tujuan forwardnya, isi dengan no hp kamu. Finish...

Tips dan trik :
  • Setelah aplikasi smsforwarder kamu install, segera pindahkan icon aplikasi ini ke folder yang kira-kira jarang dibuka oleh korban.
  • Supaya lebih mulus usaha jahil ini, jangan lupa matikan setting laporan pengiriman sms-nya, bukan apa-apa sih, kalo laporan pengiriman sms ngga kamu matikan, ntar kan si korban yang punya hp akan merasa aneh dan curiga aja kalo melihat laporan pengirimannya selalu terkirim ke dua tujuan.
  • Ini nih yang paling penting..., segera periksa hp kamu sendiri, jangan-jangan aplikasi smsforwarder ini malah sudah lama tertanam di hp kamu..., ketahuan deh kalo ternyata kamu yang selingkuh..., oOOo..kamu ketahuan... (lagu saiful jamil) hehehehe... :D

Download here

Minifriday : Aplikasi Chatting yang unik

Satu lagi aplikasi chatting via handphone yang super unik, aplikasi chatting yang satu ini bernama Minifriday, aplikasi chatting ini sangat sangat berbeda dengan aplikasi chatting lainnya. Kalau aplikasi chatting yang lain hanya menampilkan baris teks percakapan dan smileycon, sedangkan Minifriday percakapan selain menggunakan teks, juga dilengkapi dengan fasilitas avatar yang bisa kita setting sesuai dengan profil kita. Pokoke seru banget deh chatting menggunakan aplikasi Minifriday ini. Tampilan chatting di hp kamu, sama persis seperti gambar diatas. Avatarnya keren, lucu n' imut-imut. Kamu bisa join ke room yang kamu mau, biasanya room berbentuk bar, di dalam bar itu, kamu bisa duduk-duduk, pesen minuman n' makanan, bisa dance n' banyak lagi deh.., bagi kamu yang hp nya masuk dalam daftar dibawah ini, ga usah pikir lama-lama, cepetan download aplikasi chattingnya dan install di hp kamu...
* Nokia 3230
* Nokia 6260
* Nokia 6600
* Nokia 6620
* Nokia 6630
* Nokia 6670
* Nokia 6680

* Nokia 6681
* Nokia 6682
* Nokia 7610
* Nokia N70
* Nokia N72
* Nokia N73
* Nokia N90
* Nokia N-Gage
* Nokia N-Gage QD

Download here

Yamee : Aplikasi Chatting untuk Handphone

Yamee Aplikasi Chatting

Yamee : Aplikasi Chatting di Handphone

Satu lagi aplikasi chatting untuk handphone yang perlu kamu pertimbangkan, Aplikasi chatting ini bernama Yamee, dimirip-miripin sama Yahoo kali ya..hehehe..., Aplikasi chatting ini dikembangkan menggunakan platform java, gue sendiri pake aplikasi chatting yang satu ini, hp yang gue pake Nokia N73ME. Aplikasi chatting yang satu ini sangat unik dibandingkan dengan aplikasi chatting lainnya. Yamee mempunyai sound buzz yang unik dan keren, selain itu Aplikasi chatting ini mempunyai kelebihan conference / bisa chatting dengan banyak teman (chat room), invinite teman, merubah skin dan bisa merubah status seperti layaknya facebook.

This Messenger is also skinnable, you can change the UI skins from the setting menu. View others status from the text banner on the top and set your own status or set the custom status.

Download and install into your phone and enjoy it !

Features :
- add and remove contact
- conference
- contacts grouping
- send message to group or several selected contacts (press # to show the mark)
- send and receive BUZZ
- receive offline message

- incoming mail notifications
- typing notification
- offline/online notifications
- show/hide offline contacts (shortcut: press 0)
- set or view status (status shown on the top screen)
- skinnable (4 type skins)

Download here

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Opera mini 4.2 untuk akses facebook

browser opera miniKamu udah kecanduan facebook? bingung ngga bisa akses facebook karena lagi ngga di depan laptop atau PC? atau kamu sedang di perjalanan keluar kota? Sekarang ga usah bingung lagi deh.., kamu tetap bisa akses/online Facebook dari Handphone, tentunya handphone kamu udah support jaringan gprs. Bagaimana sih caranya akses facebook dari handphone? caranya gampang banget, yang pertama handphone kamu sudah terinstall aplikasi/browser Opera Mini sekarang terakhir Opera Mini Ver 4.2 dan tentunya operator yang kamu gunakan dan wilayah dimana kamu berada, masih tercover minimal jaringan gprs, nah..cukup itu aja syaratnya agar kamu bisa facebookan dimana aja dan kapan saja, tanpa harus menggunakan aplikasi khusus untuk Facebook.

Facebook kian mewabah dan memasyarakat, dari anak TK sampe kakek-kakek dan tokoh masyarakat pun terjangkiti virus facebook. jadi vendor-vendor pembuat handphone sekarang telah memproduksi handphone mulai dari handphone yang murahan sampe handphone highend telah support untuk mengakses facebook.

Yah...berkat browse Opera Mini kamu dapat mengakses facebook menggunakan handphone, biaya gprs tergantung Operator yang kamu gunakan, tapi ingat loh..untuk mengakses facebook menggunakan handphone, jangan menggunakan URL www.facebook.com, kalau kamu menggunakan URL tersebut, maka tampilan di browser Opera Mini sama persis seperti tampilan di layar komputer, akibatnya hanya sebagian tampilan facebook yang terlihat, karena layar handphone kamu tidak selebar layar monitor komputer, selain itu data yang di download juga cukup besar sehingga biaya gprs yang kamu keluarkan lebih mahal. Jadi gimana donk? Nah..untuk mengakses facebook melalui handphone gunakan URL ini m.facebook.com maka tampilan facebook akan disesuaikan dengan besarnya layar handphone kamu, dan data yang di download lebih kecil sehingga lebih hemat biaya gprsnya.

Satu kekurangan Aplikasi Opera mini ini, untuk akses facebook dari handphone menggunakan Opera Mini tidak bisa melakukan Chatting online seperti yang kita lakukan ketika mengakses facebook dari PC/Komputer. Saat kita menggunakan Aplikasi Handphone dengan menggunakan Opera mini yang hanya dapat kita lakukan di facebook adalah Update Status, Kirim pesan di Wall / Dinding, Edit Profil, Upload foto dan kirim pesan.

Ya sudah deh cape kebanyakan kata-kata… Download aja lagsung Aplikasi Opera mini gratis untuk Handphone java dan symbian

Friday, June 5, 2009

Setting GPRS untuk handphone

setting gprs

Kamu mau facebookan via handphone? atau sekedar browsing n' chatting? bingung gimana caranya? yang pasti handphone kamu udah support koneksi minimal pake GPRS. Kalau udah support, yang juga ga kalah penting untuk dapat melakukan Chatting melalui Handphone adalah melakukan setting gprs di handphone terlebih dahulu sesuai dengan merk dan tipe handphone kamu serta Operator Selular yang kita gunakan. Soalnya tanpa melakukan setting terlebih dahulu maka kita tidak dapat melakukan Chatting dan browsing di HP meskipun Aplikasi Chatting dan browsing untuk Handphone sudah terinstal.

Sebelumnnya kita melakukan setting gprs di hp, sebaiknya kamu Download terlebih dahulu Aplikasi Chatting untuk HP anda seperti yang sudah tersedia di blog ini seperti Ebuddy (untuk Handphone java), IM+ 3rd, Slick untuk HP symbian, Blackberry dan Windows Mobile dan akan Lebih banyak Lagi Aplikasi Chatting untuk Handphone, Aplikasi Chatting buat PC dan Aplikasi-aplikasi untuk Handphone lainnya yang bermanfaat bagi seluruh Umat di Dunia dan Akhirat dan Akan terus di update di Blog ini.

Berikut akan saya berikan Cara setting HP anda dengan mengaktifkan GPRS agar bisa melakukan Chatting :

1. Mengaktifkan GPRS Kartu AS, Simpati dan Kartu Hallo (Telkomsel)

Pelanggan Hallo:
Ketik GPRS lalu kirim ke 6616

Pelanggan Simpati dan kartu As :
Kirim sms ke 6616 : GPRS [ 16 digit no kartu anda ]
Contoh : GPRS 6210009922059445
Catatan : Bila anda menerima sms balasan untuk memasukkan pin, maka pin standar adalah 5432

Setting GPRS Pada Handphone :

Pengaturran manual ini berlaku untuk Simpati, As, dan Hallo, dengan mengisikan parameter berikut ke hp anda.

Connection nama : APN Telkomsel
Data bearer : GPRS
Access Point Name : telkomsel
Username : wap
Prompt Password : no
Password : wap123
Authentication : normal
Hompage : http://wap.telkomsel.com
Gateway IP address :
Port : 9201 (standard), 8000 (proxy)

2. Mengaktifkan GPRS IM3 dan Mentari (Indosat)

Setting GPRS Pada Handphone :

Pengaturran manual ini berlaku untuk Pelanggan Indosat (Mentari & IM3) dengan mengisikan parameter berikut ke hp anda.

Setting GPRS untuk Mentari :
Connection nama : INDOSATGPRS
Data bearer : GPRS
Access Point Name : indosatgprs
Username : indosat
Prompt Password : no
Password : indosat
Authentication : normal
Hompage : http://wap.klub-mentari.com
Gateway IP address :

Setting GPRS untuk IM3 :
Connection nama : M3-GPRS
Data bearer : GPRS
Access Point Name : www.indosat-m3.net
Username : gprs
Prompt Password : no
Password : indosat
Authentication : normal
Hompage : http://www.indosat-m3.net
Gateway IP address :

Volume based
Username :indosat
Password :indosat

Time based
Username :indosat@durasi
Password :indosat@durasi

Mengaktifkan GPRS IM3 dan Mentari (Indosat)

Sebelum anda melakukan setting gprs pada handphone, sebaiknya anda mengaktifkan fasilitas GPRS XL melalui operator XL, silahkan hubungi 817.

Pengaturran manual ini berlaku untuk Pelanggan XL dengan mengisikan parameter berikut ke hp anda.

Setting GPRS Pada Handphone :

Setting GPRS XL
Connection nama : XL GPRS
Data bearer : GPRS
Access Point Name : www.xlgprs.net
Username : indosat
Prompt Password : no
Password : proxl
Authentication : normal
Hompage : http://wap.lifeinhand.com
Gateway IP address :

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Slick v0.50 Aplikasi Chatting via Handphone

Slick is a messenger application for mobile devices. It allows you to chat with your friends connected though various online messaging applications. Currently it is still in development, an alpha version is available for free for public testing.

slick adalah salah satu aplikasi chatting untuk hp yang sangat user friendly, sangat mudah untuk di gunakan dan mempunyai kelebihan di bandingkan aplikasi chatting lainnya. Dalam aplikasi slick, terdapat sound buzz yang sangat menarik, baik saat ada teman yang login, logout maupun pada saat membuzz.

Untuk para maniac chating menggunakan handphone, aplikasi chatting yang satu ini wajib kamu install di hp.

silahkan download disini. Aplikasi Chatting ini 100% GRATIS loh..

10 Aplikasi Chat Terbaru via hp

Saat ini mungkin udah pada ga jamannya lagi sms-an, sekarang udah berpindah pada trend chatting, baik chatting via hp, atau chatting via komputer (PC), trend chatting ga hanya merambah kalangan remaja/pelajar/mahasiswa bahkan mungkin kalangan dewasa. Kenapa sih chatting di HP begitu ramainya? Tak lain tak bukan adalah kepraktisannya, walupun tarif sms kian murah, bahkan beberapa operator selular memberikan fasilitas sms gratis, chatting menggunakan HP, tetap menjadi pilihan utama, soalnya walaubagaimanapun juga, chatting via hp biayanya jauh lebih murah di bandingkan mengirim pesan via sms, selain itu chatting via hp bisa dilakukan kapan saja, dimana saja, dan karena handphone (hp) saat ini sudah dilengkapi fasilitas untuk chatting, tentunya minimal dengan koneksi GPRS, selain itu handphone (hp) saat ini dimiliki oleh hampir semua lapisan masyarakat, maka semua orang bisa memanfaatkan fasilitas ini(meskipun juga tidak semua HP bisa melakukannya).

Saat ini banyak sekali aplikasi chat gratisan yang "bertebaran" di internet yang bisa kita gunakan untuk chatting. Diantara aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut yang bisa digunakan dan sudah lumayan terkenal antara lain:

1. eBuddy
Aplikasi chat yang satu ini tampilannya sederhana tetapi sangat menarik, serta kaya dengan warna-warni apik. eBuddy bisa mengalokasikan hasil foto kamera ponsel menjadi avatar display. Dibawah Platform java(J2ME). Saya sendiri juga menggunakan aplikasi dan sejauh ini sangat puas dengan fitur-fitur yang dibawa.
Download ebuddy:
- http://m.ebuddy.com
- http://get.ebuddy.com
- wap.getjar.com" (quick code: 17291)

2. Nimbuzz
Nimbuzz memiliki beberapa fitur yang terbilang lebih canggih. Aplikasi chat ini bisa dipakai untuk melakukan panggilan internasional sesama pengguna. Nimbuzz mempunyai fasilitas "Buzz" seperti YM di PC.
Download Nimbuzz :
- http://www.nimbuzz.com/en/mobile
- http://wap.getjar.com (quick code: 26137)

3. YehBa
Satu lagi Aplikasi chat bernama YehBa, beberapa fiturnya yakni mobile blogging, user friendly dan minim bandwidth sehingga pulsa akan semakin irit saja :p.
Download YehBa:
- http://m.yehba.com/files/YB_2.0.jar
- http://wap.getjar.com (quick code: 6433)

4. MXit
Aplikasi chat gratis ini mempunyai panduan bahasa Indonesia pada saat proses download sehingga memudahkan para downloader. Dulu aplikasi ini memang sangat cepat berkembang, termasuk saya juga mantan pengguna aplikasi ini. Tetapi akhir-akhir ini karena koneksinya yang sulit jadi banyak ditinggalkan oleh para penggunanya termasuk saya juga :p.
Download Mxit:
- http://www.mxit.com/wap

5. shMessenger
Untuk sementara aplikasi chat ini lebih optimal untuk YMan aja, meskipun ada fitur-fitur lain dalam hal ini masih beta. Fasilitas lainnya adalah emoticon dan avatar foto display.
Download shMessenger:
- http://www.shmessenger.ro/wap

6. Mig33
Barangkali inilah aplikasi chat yang saat ini paling populer diantara lainnya selain eBuddy. Aplikasi chatting untuk hp ini berasal dari Australia, memiliki kemudahan pengoperasian, VoiP, bagi foto, dll.
Download Mig33:
- http://www.mig33.com/download.jsp
- http://wap.mig33.com

7. Slick
Yang unik dari aplikasi chat ini adalah: tanda peringatan (alert: suara, backlight, getar, dan pop up). Untuk sementara kompatibel dengan ponsel Symbian dan Windows Mobile.
Download Slick:
- http://www.lonelycatgames.com

8. Agile Messenger
Cukup populer, dan mempunyai fungsi layaknya aplikasi chat mobile, serta dilengkapi fitur "traffic counter" untuk monitoring lalu lintas data
Download Agile Messenger:
- http://www.agilemobile.com/download.html
- http://www.agilemobile.com/j2me

9. EQO
Aplikasi VOIP via hp ini bisa dipakai untuk telepon murah via VoIP maupun untuk aplikasi chat.
Download EQO:
- http://wap.getjar.com (quick code: 32315)

10. Morange
Tampilan antarmukanya sangat menarik, menyediakan fitur mobile social networking, mobile photo sharing, mobile sayings, dan prakiraan cuaca(mobile global weather). Termasuk juga fitur push email, dan web surfing.
Download Morange:
- http://wap.getjar.com (quick code: 30381)

Monday, June 1, 2009

IM+ Plus Full Version

Chatting with IM+ All-in-One Mobile Messenger within AIM®/iChat, MSN®/Windows Live™ Messenger, Yahoo!®, ICQ®, Jabber®, and Google™ Talk from Windows Mobile Smartphone in real-time. Communicate with friends and colleagues wherever you are regardless of location and mobile operator.

Main Benefits

* Direct and simultaneous connection to all supported IM systems.
* Mobile-Mobile and Mobile-PC real-time communication.
* No cost per message, only standard payment for wireless data transfer.
* One-Time Purchase Licence: all further updates included.

IM+ Mobile Instant Messenger is a complete messaging solution that allows users to exchange instant messages within the most popular IM systems MSN, Yahoo!, AOL?, ICQ, Google Talk and Jabber between mobile devices and PCs in real-time.

IM+ users can use the same accounts on mobile devices and PC regardless of changing mobile operator - it's very convenient for using in business trips.

Key Features:

-MSN, Yahoo!, AOL, ICQ, Jabber and Google Talk in
one client.
-Direct and simultaneous connection to all supported IM systems.
-Mobile-to-Mobile and Mobile-to-PC real-time communication.
-No cost per message, only standard payment for wireless data transfer.

New Feature in 4.3 version:
  • Fonts change option is added.
  • The possibility to see the nicknames of your Yahoo! contacts.
  • Online Help Forms. Fill out the help forms and find answers to your questions with the online help forms.

Other Features:
  • Wi-Fi connections is supported.
  • Message History. View correspondence with your contacts even when you're offline.
  • Full presence status support. Set your own status to give your contacts an idea of your mood. (except ICQ)
  • Advanced contact list management functions. You can add and delete contacts, group them by service, by group name, by status or alphabetically;
  • Today Screen Plugin. If this option is flagged, you will see the information of all connected services, number of online/offline users and amount of unread messages for every service on your Today Screen;
  • Multiple dialog windows. Don't miss a moment, chat with several buddies simultaneously.
  • Advanced Notification Settings. In Settings section you can set notifications of important events;
  • Smileys. Add emotions to your messages, a huge set of funny faces available.
  • Multiple code pages support. Exchange messages in any language installed on a phone.
  • Friendly User Interface in English, German, Italian, French and Russian.
  • Integrated help function. Easy to configure and easy to chat.


Download eBuddy Messengger

How Many Applications Chatting with the account can even chat with the Facebook account. besides facebook account you can also chat on the phone using your account with MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, Google Talk..

Can be in use in almost all types of java handpone, excess ebuddy 1.2 this is a very stable connection from ebuddy version sebelumnnya frequently once the DC / Disconected. In addition we can also see a friend's even able to see its Image, we can also chat with people / Conference chat.

With the eBuddy Mobile Messenger you can have all your buddies from multiple IM accounts in one list.

You have friends on both MSN and Yahoo? No problem, now you can chat with them all from your mobile. Even more networks will be supported soon…

Now with Most Recent Chats, to make it easier for you to find the buddies you chat with the most. On the top of your buddy list you will see a green group labeled Most recent chats. You will always find the last 5 buddies you chatted with here.

Chat Application / Mobile Messengger

Mobile messenger that lets you call, chat, message, and send files on the go, for free. It combines all your buddies from Skype, MSN/ Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, ICQ, AIM, Google Talk, Gadu-Gadu, Hyves, and more. One login, one contact list, all accounts.

mobile messenger is a complete messaging solution that allows users to exchange instant messages within MSN® /Windows Live™, Yahoo!® , AIM®/iChat™, ICQ® , Jabber®, Google Talk and MySpace Messenger* between mobile devices and PCs in real-time.

Facebook Service Now added for BlackBerry!

IM+ users can use the same accounts on mobile devices and PC regardless of the mobile operator - it`s very convenient for using in business trips.

Chat Features:

  • Conferences in MSN. Increase productivity of your business, talk within a group of colleagues with MSN accounts.
  • Broadcast IM. Send Messages to a group of contacts with a single touch options available.
  • Working through any GPRS connection.
  • Online Help Forms. Fill out the help forms and get prompt answers to your questions.
  • Free upgrades.
  • Simultaneous connection to AIM®/ iChat™, MSN®/ Live Messenger™, Yahoo!®, ICQ®, Jabber®, Google Talk and MySpace Messenger* .
  • Lifetime Licence. All upgrades included.
  • Multiple dialog windows. Don`t miss a moment, chat with several buddies simultaneously.
  • No cost per message, only standard payment for wireless data transfer.
  • The application is available in trial mode. Just download and enjoy it!

Chatting on Facebook

Chat applications on the facebook is one of the advantages and have differences from other networking sites, because in addition to sending messages in the wall / walls of other users, can Andapun message with another user who is Online and has become your friend on. But sometimes when you're cool and fun chat suddenly chat just because you have lost your internet connection is not stable when you're going to open another site, or when you click a link on the facebook. But only to quiet the issue is now a solution.

You can use alternatives to be able to use chat service on how to install the facebook application facebook chat is separate from this site (facebook). chat with this application you can still chat with other users even if you are busy in reply to a message wall facebook profile or reply to the status of another user without the need to interfere because the internet connection is less stable (often lost their own).

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Net Meter

Net Meter monitors network traffic through all network connections on the computer it's installed on, and displays real-time graphical and numerical downloading and uploading speeds. The software supports to display transfer rates of multiple network connections at the same time. It also logs network traffic and provides daily, weekly, monthly, and summary traffic reports. And start days of week and month are customizable. The program allows you to setup a notification to get an alert when you exceed a certain amount of bandwidth usage. And, traffic stopwatch enables you to test bandwidth speed of connections. You can also record transfer rates of connections in plain text or Microsoft Excel CSV format.

Net Meter supports running as a system service that monitors bandwidth usages and generate traffic reports automatically without log on.

Net Meter works with the majority network connections including phone modems, DSL, cable modem, LAN, satellite, wireless, VPN and more. The software is full compatible with Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, and Windows Vista.

Download Now

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Powerful Little GPS Tracking Device

by: Joe Gooden

GPS is one of the newest crazes on the Market today. GPS or global positioning system tracks your locations from a satellite which makes it a popular feature in cars. When you’re on a trip it can also help you find your way around with out getting lost. While GPS tracking can help track your location it also works in another way. You can use GPS tracking to track some ones location.

Cell phones have become something that everyone now carries. Cell phones are becoming more and more technologically advanced with more and more features. One of the newest features on cell phones is GPS. GPS is now available in almost everything from cars to cell phones. Cell phone GPS tracking is the newest feature on many cell phones. Locating someone is a popular job for a lot of detectives and cell phone GPS tracking is one thing that can make this task a lot easier.

Taking advantage of cell phone GPS tracking can help with the location of someone if they should come up lost. Cell phone GPS tracking can track their exact location. This can make locating the lost much faster and more efficient.

Several different kinds of GPS tracking products are available at spyassociates.com. They also offer several different products to meet all of your surveillance needs such as cameras, night vision products, listening devices and many other kinds of products to help get the job done right and prove the case.

© 2005 Copyright www.spyassociates.com

LG Cell Phones - Made To Last

by: Martin Smith

LG has been producing top of the line products for quite a while now and their cell phones are no exception. LG cell phones are high on style and features. You owe it to yourself to check out LG cell phones.

Color displays are nice but remember that they drain your phone’s battery rather quickly. The lightweight LG VX4400 cell phone comes with an external LCD with a choice of 7 backlight colors to make your phone more personal. The compact and lightweight clamshell LG VX3160 cell phone is another offering from LG that will get the job done with style.

A Good Deal to Get the Ring Tones Ringing

Whatever phone you choose, either an LG phone or some other brand, a good cell phone plan is essential. You can get online and type “cell phone plan comparisons” into your search engine and you will get several links to comparison charts of different cell phone carriers. The comparison will show you the costs of phones and different levels of service from each carrier. You can also search by phones - for instance type in “LG cell phone” and you will find phones from different vendors or cell carriers that provide the phone you want. Verizon, Sprint and Cingular provide LG phones to their customers. Verizon offers an LG phone free with the purchase of a specific cellular plan. A variety of ring tones to choose from, seems to be an option desired by many cellular consumers.

There are so many companies today vying for your cell phone business that most offer a variety of special deals on phones, plans and accessories such as hand free car kits (which are required by law in some states, N.Y. being one). You can also get long life batteries, desktop battery chargers, colorful face plates, crystal keypads, cradle style holders, USB data cable kits, car chargers and antenna boosters. Depending on the plan you choose, some of these accessories are free or discounted when you purchase particular cell phone calling plans.

Tones For Your Phones

by: Jeff Lakie

In ancient times, warriors would decorate their weapons with carvings or jewelry because these weapons became an extension of their lives and an expression of who they were. Today, cellphones are integrating themselves more and more into our lives, becoming an invaluable tool to our work and play. So it is only natural that we decorate our cellphone "weapons" as a form of personal expression and individualization.

There are all kinds of fantastic accessories available to take your cellphone to the next level. After all, why would you want to have exactly the same cell phone that everyone else has, when you can make it uniquely yours?

Boost the Performance factor

You can increase its performance with batteries that last longer than the battery it came with from the factory. These are readily available on the Internet.

If you're on the go and find that your cell phone is dying, you can continue to talk if you have a cellphone charger, which can plug into your car's cigarette lighter. They are very handy, and many cellphones come with one anyway.

If you spent a lot of time in the car, or a lot of time working with your hands, you may need to consider a hands-free attachment. This lets you clip your cell phone to your belt, or lay it beside you on the car seat, and just speak into a microphone and hear through a small earpiece so that you can keep both hands safely on the wheel.

Boost the prettiness factor

Your phone probably came with a gray or silver faceplate, which you can switch to something much more colorful and fun, and appropriate for who you are. Faceplates are available in colors and patterns and textures and can even contain the logo or motif of your favorite band or sports team.

Antennas are available that light up when you get a call, which may not be appropriate in an office setting, but can be a lot of fun when you're hanging out with your friends.

Ring tones are another popular way to customize your cell phone. Ring tones are available for free and for purchase from a variety of companies. Many cellphones can now play different ring tones depending on who is calling. You can select music or find noises or hilarious sounds to make your cellphone stand out from the crowd.

Instead of having the same boring cellphone that everyone else has, why not jazz it up a bit? After all, it's such an important part of your life!

Finding The Right Cell Phone

by: Jeff Lakie

Ten years ago, cell phones were just beginning to appear. Today, it seems every person on the street has one. However, not all cell phones are equal. How do you find the best one?

Ask yourself what qualities are important to you. First, the physical aspects. Do you prefer flat cell phones or those with a flip? Are slim cell phones more attractive, or does size really matter?

Cell phones seem to come in all shapes and sizes, and color can also be a determining factor. Have you seen the changeable covers? Who knew cell phones would become such a fashion statement?

A critical factor to consider is ring tones. Some cell phones come with standard rings that could drive anyone crazy. Others have downloadable tones, letting you show off your taste and personality. If you've ever been on a crowded train where six cell phones started ringing at once, you know how important it is to have the pleasant ring tone. No one wants to draw negative attention.

Cell phones have all sorts of new features, and they keep improving. Some cell phones allow you to take pictures. Other cell phones give you internet access on the road. And like most technology, there are new improvements made on a weekly basis. Remember that you'll be paying for these features; make sure you'll use them before you spend the money.

Manufacturers of cell phones have done extensive research to find out what is important to you, the buyer. The carrier, though, is also important to consider. What good are cell phones, after all, if you can't get service? Find out who in your area has the widest service and the best rate plan.

Most of us have become spoiled by our cell phones. It's hard to remember the days when no one could reach you until you got home from class or from work. Cell phones have opened up our lines of communication considerably. (Sometimes it's questionable whether that's a good thing….) The fact is, it looks like cell phones are here to stay. Is it possible anymore to escape? Of course! The best thing about cell phones is that you can use them when you need them, but sometimes the best cell phones are the ones that are turned off.

Choosing a Cell Phone

by: Telefon Wirles

Considering the innumerable varieties of cell phones in the market, it is quite a challenging task to choose the best one. However, the basic criterion of selecting the best cell phone is to be absolutely clear about what your needs are. The best cellular phone is the one that is absolutely right for you. And, of course, you can only have the best cellular phone when you pay for what you want.

Tons of offers are also available. There are free cellular telephone offers, prepaid cellular, digital, mobile, web enabled and many more. No one can tell you which cell phone is best for you because every one has different needs when it comes to their cellular telephone. Some people want absolutely basic features while others want a lot of totally fantastic features. Some need a cellular telephone for e-mail, faxing and surfing the Internet. Many people want it to be top of the line while others prefer simplicity.

The process of buying a cell phone is so confusing. There are simply so many different handsets, networks, deals and call costs to consider that buying the right phone for your usage and budget can be very difficult.

Here are a few tips to help you choose the best cell phone. First of all, decide how much you want to spend and be clear on the features you need. Remember that the more the features, the higher the cost.

Purchase a battery with a decent battery life and judge the mobile phone by the talk time it gives. The bare minimum should be 2 hours of maximum talk-time plus 90 hours of maximum standby time.

Shop and compare for pricing and service. These days, quality phones are very cheap. There is a proliferation of cell phone makers including Nokia, Motorola, Ericson, Siemens, Samsung, Sony, etc. More importantly, cellular plans have come down enormously in overall price with some caveats.

Some standard features include caller ID, phone book with fast dial, call waiting, voice mail and auto-answering. Some also have other added features like your first incoming minute free. The high-end cell phones will have voice-a ctivated dialing, SMS, 2-way paging, games, scheduling calendars, digital organizer and all the standard features. The main thing is to see what fits into your life style best and also to be sure when and if the features expire.

While making a cell phone and service plan decision, remember that everybody's needs are different. So what's good for your friend may not be the best choice for you. Your best bet would be to search online for websites with good cell phone comparisons in order to get a quality cell phone offer.

To make sure that your cell phone comparisons are complete look at Nokia cell phones, Ericsson cell phones, Sprint cell phones, Motorola cell phones and Samsung cell phones. Research the different free cell phone offers, prepaid cell phones and service plans from brand names like AT